Add your video review

We really appreciate your reviews which helps us grow and serve more businesses.

Please follow these 3 simple guidelines:

  1. Videos: Quiet background, relaxed, natural tone.
    For videos please record in landscape mode, in a quiet place and where possible, in a room with a plain background (such as a uncluttered painted wall). Relax and speak as if you were having a conversation

  2. What to mention: Specifics
    What did you enjoy about working with us - responsiveness? onboarding? problem solving? training? personalised solutions? easy to use systems? Mention if you'd recommend the agency for businesses like yours, or specific scenarios.

  3. What NOT to mention: Pricing, discounts and website building
    Pricing is sometimes set specifically for individualised solutions and can't be given be promised again. Discounts are time sensitive and may not be available when the review is seen. Website building is a 'background service', it is not advertised. If your project was a website setup instead focus on other areas as listed in point 2 under specifics linked to your project working experience, rather than the end result.

After you've recorded or uploaded your video look for the blue 'Send' button at the bottom. After you've sent your video, an additional button will appear with a link to submit a Google written review



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Thank you for submitting your video testimonial

We really appreciate the time you have taken to help our business grow.

Your reward:

2023 discount offer: Receive a £25 discount for a video review and £25 discount for a Google review at the conclusion of project work, if submitted within 14 days of project completion.

  Your TestimonialLive Preview

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This is how the testimonial will appear on

  Unlock an exclusive reward by completing your testimonial!