¿Qué opinas de la certificación Qilimbic?

A Sara y a mí nos gustaría saber que sientes sobre la certificación. ¿Cuéntanos los cambios que has notado en ti en lo profesional y personal?

or sync from:

{{fields.comments.limit - fields.comments.text.length >= 0 ? fields.comments.limit - fields.comments.text.length : 0}}

¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario!

. Please help us out further by posting your testimonial to one or more of the services below.

  To make life easier we’ve copied your comments to the clipboard so all you have to do is paste the review in the box provided and submit it!

  Your TestimonialLive Preview

{{fields.name && fields.name.text ? fields.name.text : ''}}

{{fields.company && fields.company.text ? (fields.position && fields.position.on && fields.position.text ? fields.position.text + ", " + fields.company.text : fields.company.text ) : (fields.position && fields.position.on && fields.position.text ? fields.position.text : '' )}}

{{fields.location && fields.location.text ? fields.location.text : ''}}

{{fields.comments && fields.comments.text ? '"' + fields.comments.text + '"' : ''}}

This is how the testimonial will appear on clases.cursoqilimbic.institutodecreatividad.com.